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Best Companies Group is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding your right to privacy while using our websites, participating in our Best Places to Work programs and/or utilizing the other products and services offered. Our privacy policy applies to all individuals that engage in our survey process, visit our website, and/or sign up for email notifications.

This privacy policy applies to website and survey operations for Best Companies Group and Best Employee Surveys.

Workplace Assessment Process
Best Companies Group’s workplace assessment process includes the collection, analysis, and evaluation of employee engagement, employer data, and other sensitive information. We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will not sell or trade any of your information to third parties. To view samples of the questions you will be asked, please visit the samples below.

Employer Benefits and Policies Questionnaire (EQ)
Each organization electing to participate in a Best Places to Work program will be required to complete an employer survey. On the EQ we collect information related to your organization’s benefits, policies, practices, and demographics. Employer information is collected, analyzed, and stored for the following purposes:

- Analysis for the Best Places to Work rankings.

- Publishing purposes of the Best Places to Work lists. We will provide the authorized media partner with the employer information to assist in the development of the special publication and/or recognition event. Information used in a public forum will be positive in nature. If you do not make the list your information will not be shared.

- Aggregating data for research, benchmarking, and trending information. Your organization’s data will not be identifiable.

Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Survey (EESS)
The nature of our business depends upon collecting confidential employee feedback data from each participating organization. We obtain this data in a number of ways – via email, access codes, or paper surveys. Regardless of the survey method, Best Companies Group will never release individual survey completion status or your survey responses to your employer or any third party, at any time. Data from the EESS is collected, analyzed, and stored for the following purposes:

- Analysis for the Best Places to Work rankings.

- Providing your organization’s leadership with actionable results for improving employee engagement and satisfaction. We will not report any results for groups containing fewer than five respondents.

- Aggregating data for research, benchmarking, and trending information. Your individual data will be anonymized and personal information will not be identifiable.

While we do ask for personal demographic information (birth year, gender, and ethnicity) on the EESS, providing this information is optional. We do not report data for any demographic category in which there are fewer than five respondents.

Best Companies Group will never release organization specific data gathered through the EESS to any third party, for any reason, without the advance written permission of the organization.

Should the workplace assessment require the use of email addresses, we will only use the email addresses for the purposes of sending the EESS and if applicable, Pulse12 surveys. Best Companies Group does not sell or trade email addresses. Submitted email addresses are retained for up to one year for the purposes of implementing Pulse12 surveys. After that time, the email addresses are deleted.

Information regarding the participation of any organization in Best Companies Group’s Best Places to Work programs, in current or prior years, will not be released to any party, unless the organization has made one or more of the published lists. Best Companies Group reserves the right to store and share aggregated data collected throughout our Best Places to Work programs.

If you have any questions about the data being collected during the workplace assessment process, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As is standard industry practice, we use “cookies” and other technologies to recognize you and help us understand areas of our websites that interest our customers and how long they visit those areas. We also use “cookies” to help us improve our websites.

You can set the browser on your computer to warn you each time a cookie is being sent, block third party cookies, or block all cookies. However, you may not be able to access certain features of our websites if you have blocked all cookies on your computer.

Third Parties
From time to time, our websites provide links to websites owned and operated by others. We provide these links for your convenience. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content on those sites. Once you have left our website via such a link, you should check the applicable privacy policy of the third party to determine how they will handle any Personal Data they collect from you.

We are committed to your privacy and data security
Best Companies Group takes privacy seriously and cares about the security and integrity of the data we collect. We use reasonable organizational and technological methods to transmit and store your data securely.

Effective May 25, 2018 we are committed to compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation when dealing with data collected from citizens of the EU.

We acknowledge that you have the right to access and obtain any personal data from Best Companies Group. If you are a client of Best Companies Group, we will provide you with information as to whether or not we have any of your personal information, upon request. You may access, update, and/or request deletion of your data by simply contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will respond to your request within 1-2 business days.

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